スクリーンショット 2016-02-10 19.06.10

1064 nm laser diode


  • DBR Single-Frequency Laser Chip
  • AlGaAs QW Active Layer
  • Epi designed for high reliability


  • Available in several package styles
  • Pulsed operation for spectral stability at short pulse lengths
  • High power for CW applications
  • High Slope Efficiency
Absolute Maximum Rating

Parameter Symbol Unit Min Max
Storage Temperature TSTG °C 0 80
Operating  Temperature TOP °C 5.0 70
CW Laser Forward Current, T=Top** IF mA 550**
Pulsed Laser Forward Current, T=25°C, IF A 3.0
PW=300 ns, DC=10%
Laser Reverse Voltage VR V 2.0
Photodiode Forward Current  1/ 2/ IP mA 5.0
Photodiode Reverse Voltage  1/ 2/ VR V 20.0
Photodiode Dark Current, VR=10V,  LD IF=0, 1/ 2/ ID nA 50
TEC Current 1/ 2/ ITEC A -2.5 2.5
TEC Voltage 1/ 2/ VTEC V -6.0 6.0
Thermistor Current 1/  2/ ITHRM mA 1.0
Thermistor Voltage 1/  2/ VTHRM V 10
ESD (HBM) V 500
External Back Reflection dB -14
Lead Soldering Temperature, 10 sec. Max., 1/ 2/ °C 260
Fiber Pull Force 1/ N 5.0
Fiber Bend Radius 1/ mm 35

1/ Butterfly package , 2/ TO8 package**Do not exceed drive current or operating power of supplied LIV

CW Characteristics at TC = 25°C unless otherwise specified

Parameter Symbol Unit Min Typ Max
Center Wavelength λc nm 1062 1064 1066
Optical Output Power @ LIV Current Po mW See Power Options Call-out
Slope Efficiency, 1/ ηd W/A 0.25 0.36
Slope Efficiency ηd W/A 0.60 0.72
Threshold Current Ith mA 30 40
Laser Series Resistance RS Ω 2.0 2.5
Laser Forward Voltage VF V 2.0 2.5
Thermistor Resistance @ 25°C, 1/ 2/ RT 10
Photodiode Dark Current,VR=10V,LD IF=0, 1/ 2/ ID nA 50
Beam Divergence @ FWHM θװ X θ º 6 X 32 8 X 34
Laser Line Width ∆v MHz 8 10
Side Mode Suppression Ratio SMSR dB -30
Polarization Extinction Ratio, 1/ PER dB -16 -19
Laser Polarization TE
Mode Structure Fundamental Mode

1/ Butterfly package , 2/ TO-8 package

Handling Precautions

These devices are sensitive to ESD. When handling the module, grounded work area and wrist strap must be used. Always store in an antistatic container with all leads shorted together.

Package Type

CS / CM / T8

Minimum Power (mW)

40 / 80 / 120 / 180 / 240 / 280