
オプティカルベンチ ULS Symmetrical Czerny-Turner, 75 mm focal length
波長範囲 200-1100 nm
解像度 0.06-20 nm, depending on configuration (see table)
迷光 0.04-0.1%, depending on the grating
感度 470,000 counts/µW  per ms integration time
ディテクター CCD linear array, 2048 pixels
温度冷却CCD Max.ΔT = -35°C versus ambient
安定時間 4 Minutes
Dark baseline improvement @ΔT=-35°C and it > 5 sec > Factor 6
PRNU improvement @ΔT=-35°C and it > 5 sec >Factor 8
3 stage Peltier cooling internal Power supply@ΔT=-35° 5VDC, 3.0A
シグナル/ノイズ 300:1
ADコンバーター 16 bit, 2 MHz
積分時間 1.11 ms – 10 minutes
インターフェイス USB 2.0 high speed, 480 Mbps
RS-232, 115.200 bps
サンプル速度(with on-board averaging) 1.1 ms /scan
データ転送速度 1.8 ms /scan (USB2)
430 ms / scan (RS-232)
デジタルIO HD-26 connector, 2 Analog in, 2 Analog out, 3 Digital in, 12 Digital out, trigger, sync.
電力供給 100-240 VAC, 50 W
サイズ、重量 250 x 179 x 144 mm, 3.6 kg
Use Useable range Spectral range (nm) Lines/mm Blaze (nm) Order code
UV/VIS/NIR 200-1100** 900** 300 300 UA
UV/VIS/NIR 200-1100** 900** 300 300/1000 UNA-DB
UV/VIS 200-850 520 600 300 UB
UV 200-750 250-220* 1200 250 UC
UV 200-650 165-145* 1800 UV UD
UV 200-580 115-70* 2400 UV UE
UV 200-400 70-45* 3600 UV UF
UV/VIS 250-850 520 600 400 BB
VIS/NIR 300-1100** 800** 300 500 VA
VIS 360-1000 500 600 500 VB
VIS 300-800 250-200* 1200 500 VC
VIS 350-750 145-90* 1800 500 VD
VIS 350-640 75-50* 2400 VIS VE
NIR 500-1050 500 600 750 NB
NIR 500-1050 220-150* 1200 750 NC
NIR 600-1160 350-300* 830 800 SI
NIR 600-1100** 500** 300 1000 IA
NIR 600-1100 500 600 1000 IB

*depends on the starting wavelength of the grating; the higher the wavelength, the bigger the dispersion and the smaller the range to select.
**please note that not all 2048 pixels will be used for the useable range

Slit size (µm)
Grating (lines/mm) 10 25 50 100 200 500
300 1 1.4 2.5 4.8 9.2 21.3
600 0.40-0.53* 0.7 1.2 2.4 4.6 10.8
830 0.32 0.48 0.93 1.7 3.4 8.5
1200 0.20-0.28* 0.27-0.38* 0.52-0.66* 1.1 2.3 5.4
1800 0.10-0.18* 0.20-0.29* 0.34-0.42* 0.8 1.6 3.6
2400 0.09-0.13* 0.13-0.17* 0.26-0.34* 0.44-0.64* 1.1 2.7
3600 0.06-0.08* 0.1 0.19 0.4 0.8 1.8

* depends on the starting wavelength of the grating; the higher the wavelength, the bigger the dispersion and the smaller the range to select.