AvaLight-D(H)-S Deuterium-Halogen Light Sources


Deuterium (Deep UV)/Long life Deuterium (Standard)/Long life Halogen Lamp
波長範囲 175-400 nm 190-400 nm 360-2500 nm
起動時間 30 min 20 min.
ランプ出力 78W / 0.75A 5W / 0.5A
ランプ寿命 2000 hrs 2000 hrs 1000 hrs
Max. drift ± 0.5%/hr ±0.1%/hr
Color Temperature 3000 K
Optical Power* in 200 μm fiber 11 µW 11 µW 43 µW
Optical Power* in 600 μm fiber 72 µW 72 µW 239 µW
Optical Power* in 1000 μm fiber 206 µW 206 µW 354 µW
電力消費 90 Watt (190 Watt for heating D-Lamp 4-5 sec.)
要求電力 100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
サイズ、重量 315 x 165 x 140 mm / ca 5 kg.

*total power for the specified wavelength range.
For a table of seperate 50x50mm filters to install in AvaLight-D(H)-S see AvaLight-HAL.