Highland Technologyについて
Highland Technologyは、1984年設立(本社:米国/サンフランシスコ)。高精度のアナログ測定装置、信号発生、 データ取得管理装置等のメーカーで、航空機・防衛・科学分野向け取引等を主力とする。
当社はHighland Technologyの代理店です。
製品 – products
- Digital Delay and Pulse Generators(デジタルディレイ&パルスジェネレーター)
- Waveform Generators(波形生成器)
- Laser Drivers & Controllers(レーザードライバー&コントローラー)
- Photonics(フォトニクス)
- Measurement & Simulation(測定&シミュレーション)

- V120 VME PCI express crate controller
- V124 VXI PCI express crate controller
- V180 16-channel VME AC power analysis module
- V210 64-channel VME relay module
- V220 12-channel VME current loop/process control I/O module
- V230 64-channel VME analog input module
- V280 48-channel VME isolated digital input module
- V340 8-channel VME function generator with transformer coupling
- V344 8-channel VME 32 MHz arbitrary waveform generator
- V346 8-channel VME 32 MHz arbitrary waveform generator w/ complex modulation
- V350 4-channel VME analog and digital pattern generator
- V360 8-channel VME tachometer
- V365 8-channel VME tachometer with overspeed/underspeed capability
- V375 4-channel VME arbitrary waveform generator
- V380 8-channel VME strain gage/weighing module
- V385 8-channel VME strain gage/load cell module
- V410 16-channel VME RTD/resistance input module
- V420 8-channel VME isolated resistance simulator
- V450 16-channel VME analog/thermocouple input module
- V460 16-channel VME current source and analog measurement module
- V470 16-channel VME analog output/thermocouple simulator module
- V490 16-channel VME multi-range digitizer
- V545 24-channel VME synchro/LVDT simulation/acquisition module
- V550 8-channel VME LVDT/RVDT scanner
- V660 12-channel VME picosecond resolution time-interval measurement module
- V680 8-channel VME time-to-digital converter
- V720 6-channel VME buffered electrical-to-optical converter
- V730 6-channel VME optical-to-electrical converter
- V860 6-channel VME pulse amplifier
- V880 8-channel VME delay generator for facility timing systems
Digital Delay and Pulse Generators(デジタルディレイ&パルスジェネレーター)
- P400 4-channel benchtop digital delay and pulse generator
- T560 4-channel compact digital delay and pulse generator
- T564 4-channel compact advanced digital delay and pulse train generator
- V880 8-channel VME delay generator for facility timing systems
- J240 single-channel compact pulse generator
- J750 single-channel compact wideband amplifier
- T240 single-channel externally-triggered complementary-output pulse generator
- T680 5-channel ethernet time interval counter
- T750 4-channel compact high-voltage driver
- T760 dual-channel compact high voltage optical-to-electrical converter
- T860 single-channel compact logic buffer and driver
- V860 6-channel VME pulse amplifier
Waveform Generators(波形生成器)
- T340 4-channel compact function generator
- T344 4-channel compact 32 MHz arbitrary waveform generator
- T346 4-channel compact 32 MHz arbitrary waveform generator w/ complex modulation
- V340 8-channel VME function generator with transformer coupling
- V344 8-channel VME 32 MHz arbitrary waveform generator
- V346 8-channel VME 32 MHz arbitrary waveform generator w/ complex modulation
- V350 4-channel VME analog and digital pattern generator
- V375 4-channel VME arbitrary waveform generator
- V545 24-channel VME synchro/LVDT simulation/acquisition module
- T400 precision laser modulator system
Laser Drivers & Controllers(レーザードライバー&コントローラー)
- D100 compact high current laser driver
- J240 single-channel compact pulse generator
- T160 picosecond to nanosecond diode laser driver
- T165 picosecond to nanosecond diode laser pulser
- T240 single-channel externally-triggered complementary-output pulse generator
- T560 4-channel compact digital delay and pulse generator
- T564 4-channel compact advanced digital delay and pulse train generator
- J720 single-channel compact electrical-to-fiberoptic converter
- J724 single-channel compact buffered electrical-to-fiberoptic converter
- J730 single-channel compact fiberoptic-to-electrical converter
- J750 single-channel compact wideband amplifier
- P730 dual 1:4 benchtop optical-to-electrical fanout buffer
- T240 single-channel externally-triggered complementary-output pulse generator
- T735 compact DC-coupled optical-to-RS-422/RS-485/LVDS converter
- T760 dual-channel compact high voltage optical-to-electrical converter
- T860 single-channel compact logic buffer and driver
- V720 6-channel VME buffered electrical-to-optical converter
- V730 6-channel VME optical-to-electrical converter
Measurement & Simulation(測定&シミュレーション)
- T680 5-channel ethernet time interval counter
- V120 VME PCI express crate controller
- V124 VXI PCI express crate controller
- V180 16-channel VME AC power analysis module
- V210 64-channel VME relay module
- V220 12-channel VME current loop/process control I/O module
- V230 64-channel VME analog input module
- V280 48-channel VME isolated digital input module
- V360 8-channel VME tachometer
- V365 8-channel VME tachometer with overspeed/underspeed capability
- V380 8-channel VME strain gage/weighing module
- V385 8-channel VME strain gage/load cell module
- V410 16-channel VME RTD/resistance input module
- V420 8-channel VME isolated resistance simulator
- V450 16-channel VME analog/thermocouple input module
- V460 16-channel VME current source and analog measurement module
- V470 16-channel VME analog output/thermocouple simulator module
- V490 16-channel VME multi-range digitizer
- V545 24-channel VME synchro/LVDT simulation/acquisition module
- V550 8-channel VME LVDT/RVDT scanner
- V660 12-channel VME picosecond resolution time-interval measurement module
- V680 8-channel VME time-to-digital converter
- K20 8- or 16- channel energy survey meter/recorder
- 産業技術総合研究所
- 電気通信大学
- 名古屋大学
- 理化学研究所