スクリーンショット 2016-01-21 11.26.52

Newlight Photonicsについて

2003年設立に設立された非線形光学結晶及び周波数変換モジュール、 偏光子等のメーカー(所在国:カナダ)

当社はNewlight Photonicsの代理店です。




型番 特徴・詳細 波長 サイズ
NCPM1045-663 SHG module for femtosecond Yb: fiber laser @ ~ 1045 nm consisting of oven/precision controller and LBO crystal size 6x6x3 mm. Preset temperature ~ 175 degC. 1045 nm LBO: 6x6x3 mm
NCPM1045-445 SHG module for femtosecond Yb: fiber laser @ ~ 1045 nm consisting of oven/precision controller and LBO crystal size 4x4x5 mm. Preset temperature ~ 175 degC 1045 nm LBO: 4x4x5 mm
NCPM1030-663 SHG module for femtosecond Yb: fiber laser @ ~ 1030 nm consisting of oven/precision controller and LBO crystal size 6x6x3 mm. Preset temperature ~ 193 degC. 1030 nm LBO: 6x6x3 mm
NCPM1030-445 SHG module for femtosecond Yb: fiber laser @ ~ 1030nm consisting of oven/precision controller and LBO crystal size 4x4x5 mm. Preset temperature ~ 193 degC 1030 nm LBO: 4x4x5 mm

ガラスロッド パルスストレッチャー

Glass Rod Pulse Stretchers

型番 詳細・特徴 材質 長さ コーティング
SF11G0100 SF11 window, Dia 0.5″, 10 mm thick, uncoated SF11 10.0 mm Uncoated
SF11G0200 SF11 window, Dia 0.5″, 20 mm thick, uncoated SF11 20.0 mm Uncoated
SF11G0400 SF11 window, Dia 0.5″, 40 mm thick, uncoated SF11 40.0 mm Uncoated
SF11G1050 SF11 window, Dia 1″, 5.0 mm thick, uncoated SF11 5.0 mm Uncoated
SF11G1050-AR800 SF11 window, Dia 1″, 5.0 mm thick, AR coated@800nm SF11 5.0 mm BBAR@800 nm
SF11G1100 SF11 window, Dia 1″, 10 mm thick, uncoated SF11 10.0 mm Uncoated
SF11G1100-AR800 SF11 window, Dia 1″, 10.0 mm thick, AR coated@800nm SF11 10.0 mm BBAR@800 nm
SF11G1200 SF11 window, Dia 1″, 20 mm thick, uncoated SF11 20.0 mm Uncoated
SF11G1200-AR800 SF11 window, Dia 1″, 20.0 mm thick, AR coated@800nm SF11 20.0 mm BBAR@800 nm
SF11G1400 SF11 window, Dia 1″, 40 mm thick, uncoated SF11 40.0 mm Uncoated
SF11G1400-AR800 SF11 window, Dia 1″, 40.0 mm thick, AR coated@800nm SF11 40.0 mm BBAR@800 nm
SF11G1500 SF11 window, Dia 1″, 50 mm thick, uncoated SF11 50.0 mm Uncoated
SF11G1500-AR800 SF11 window, Dia 1″, 50.0 mm thick, AR coated@800 nm SF11 50.0 mm BBAR@800 nm
SF11L1100 SF11 rod, Dia 1″, 100 mm long, uncoated SF11 100.0 mm Uncoated
SF11L1100-AR800 SF11 rod, Dia 1″, 100 mm long, AR@800 nm SF11 100.0 mm BBAR@800 nm
SF11L1150 SF11 rod, Dia 1″, 150 mm long, uncoated SF11 150.0 mm Uncoated
FSG1050 Fused silica window, Dia 1″, 5.0 mm thick, uncoated UVFS 5.0 mm Uncoated
FSG1050-BBAR1200/2100 Fused silica window, Dia 1″, 5.0 mm thick, Broadband AR@(1200-2100) nm UVFS 5.0 mm BBAR@(1200-2100) nm
FSG1063-BBAR800 Fused silica window, Dia 1″, 6.35 mm (1/4″) thick,BBAR@(780-820) nm UVFS BBAR@(780-820) nm
FSG1100 Fused silica window, Dia 1″, 10.0 mm thick, uncoated UVFS 10.0 mm Uncoated
FSG1200 Fused silica window, Dia 1″, 20.0 mm thick, uncoated UVFS 20.0 mm Uncoated
FSG1500 Fused silica window, Dia 1″, 50.0 mm thick, uncoated UVFS 50.0 mm Uncoated
FSL1100 Fused silica rod, Dia 1″, 100.0 mm long, uncoated UVFS 100.0 mm Uncoated
FSL1150 Fused silica rod, Dia 1″, 150.0 mm long, uncoated UVFS 150.0 mm Uncoated


薄型 / 超薄型 BBO 結晶:

本品は超高速レーザーの周波数変換用 非線形結晶です。

Type I PM  in BBO SHG @
700 nm
800 nm
900 nm
700 + 350 nm
800 + 400 nm
900 + 450 nm
IGVM (ps/cm) 2.72 1.92 1.40 8.50 5.68 4.08
Lmax @10 fs (µm) 40 50 70 10 18 25
Wavefront distortion: less thanλ/8 @ 633 nm
Clear aperture: > 90% central area
Flatness: λ/8 @ 633 nm
Scratch/Dig: 10/5 to MIL-O-13830A
Parallelism: better than 20 arc seconds
Angle tolerance:   Δθ< +/-0.25o, Δφ< +/-0.25o
    • 代表的な厚み:10 µm (0.01 mm) – 3.0 mm (for frequency conversions of femtosecond pulses.
    • 代表的アパーチュアー:5×5 mm, 6×6 mm, 10×10 mm, 12×12 mm, and 15×15 mm
    • P-コーティング、AR コーティング @800/400nm or @1040/520 or  @520/260 or @1030/515


800 nm SHG 560 nm SHG
800+400 nm THG 710 nm SHG
NOPA 400 nm pump 745 nm SHG
532 nm SHG 780 nm SHG
1040 nm SHG 850 nm SHG
520 nm SHG 1300 nm SHG
1030 nm SHG 1550 nm SHG
NOPA 515 nm pump 1800+1047 nm SFG
550 nm SHG 800+690 nm SFG

薄型 / 超薄型 LBO 結晶


Type I PM  on XY plane SHG @
700 nm
800 nm
900 nm
1064 nm
800 + 400 nm
IGVM (ps/cm) 1.73 1.20 0.87 0.43 4.47
Lmax@10 fs (µm) 60 85 115 232 22
Wavefront distortion: less thanλ/8 @ 633 nm
Clear aperture: > 90% central area
Flatness: λ/8 @ 633 nm
Scratch/Dig: 10/5 to MIL-O-13830A
Parallelism: better than 20 arc seconds
Angle tolerance:   Δθ<  +/-0.25o, Δφ< +/-0.25o
  • 代表的暑さ:0.1 mm – 3.0 mm (for frequency conversions of femtosecond pulses)
  • 代表的アパーチュアー: 5×5 mm and 15×15 mm
  • 非コーティング、ARコーティングへ対応可能です
  • TiS SHG
  • Yb SHG
  • Nd SHG



Wavefront Distortion: less than λ/8  @ 633 nm
Dimension Tolerance:  (W+/-0.1 mm) x (H+/-0.1 mm) x (L+0.2/-0.1 mm)
Clear Aperture: > 90% central area
Flatness: λ/8 @ 633 nm
Surface Quality:  Scratch/Dig 10/5 per MIL-O-13830A
Parallelism:     better than 20 arc seconds
Angle Tolerance: Δθ < 0.25o, Δφ < 0.25o
  • 代表的厚み:0.1 mm – 3.0 mm (for frequency conversions of femtosecond pulses)
  • 代表的アパーチュアー:5×5 mm and 7×7 mm
  • ARコーティング:@710/355 nm or @775/388 nm or 790/395 nm or 800/400 nm or 1040/520 nm or 1520/760 nm or 1550/775 nm or 1700/850 nm or 1850/925 nm or 1910/955 nm (又はブロードバンド)
710 nm SHG 1520 nm SHG
775 nm SHG 1550 nm SHG
790 nm SHG 1700 nm SHG
800 nm SHG 1850 nm SHG
1040 nm SHG 1910 nm SHG
1120 nm SHG 523 nm pumped OPA



材質: UVグレード 石英ガラス (UVFS), CaF2結晶, N-SF10, N-SF11, N-BK7, N-LAK21 又は N-LAF35 ガラス

Transparency Range 185 – 2300 nm
Density 2.2 g/cm3
Thermo-Optic Coefficients dn/dT= 1.0 x 10-5 /oC
Optical Homogeneity Δn < 10-6 /cm
Mohs Hardness 7
Thermal Conductivity 1.4 W/m/K
Thermal Expansion Coefficient α = 0.54 x 10-6 /K
Sellmeier Equations: (λ in μm) n2=1 + 0.69617λ2/(λ2 – 0.00468) + 0.40794λ2/(λ2 – 0.01351) + 0.89748 λ2/(λ2 – 97.93400)
Wavelength (nm) Index of refraction
1550 1.444
1320 1.4466
1064 1.4496
800 1.4533
632.8 1.457
532 1.4607
400 1.4701
355 1.4761
266 1.4997
213 1.5352
  • フェムト秒レーザーに於ける群速度分散補償用



材質: 材質:YAG結晶、サファイヤ結晶、CaF2 結晶

型番 詳細・特徴 材質 アパーチュアー 厚み
YAG1005 YAG crystal window, Dia. 25.4×0.5mm, cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated YAG Dia 1″ 0.5 mm
YAG1010 YAG crystal window, Dia. 25.4×1.0mm, cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated YAG Dia 1″ 1.0 mm
YAG1020 YAG crystal window, Dia. 25.4×2.0mm, cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated YAG Dia 1″ 2.0 mm
YAG1030 YAG crystal window, Dia. 25.4×3.0mm, cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated YAG Dia 1″ 3.0 mm
YAG1040 YAG crystal window, Dia. 25.4×4.0mm, cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated YAG Dia 1″ 4.0 mm
YAG1100 YAG crystal window, Dia. 25.4×10.0mm, cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated YAG Dia 1″ 10.0 mm
YAG1120 YAG crystal window, Dia. 25.4×12.0mm, cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated YAG Dia 1″ 12.0 mm
YAG0030 YAG crystal window, Dia. 12.7×3.0mm, cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated YAG Dia 0.5″ 3.0 mm
YAG0080 YAG crystal window, Dia. 12.7×8.0mm, cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated YAG Dia 0.5″ 8.0 mm
YAG0100 YAG crystal window, Dia. 12.7×10.0mm, cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated YAG Dia 0.5″ 10.0 mm
YAG0120 YAG crystal window, Dia. 12.7×12.0mm, cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated YAG Dia 0.5″ 12.0 mm
SAP1005-C Sapphire crystal window, Dia. 25.4×0.5mm, C-cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated Sapphire Dia 1″ 0.5 mm
SAP1010-C Sapphire crystal window, Dia. 25.4×1.0mm, C-cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated Sapphire Dia 1″ 1.0 mm
SAP1020-C Sapphire crystal window, Dia. 25.4×2.0mm, C-cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated Sapphire Dia 1″ 2.0 mm
SAP1030-C Sapphire crystal window, Dia. 25.4×3.0mm, C-cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated Sapphire Dia 1″ 3.0 mm
SAP1040-C Sapphire crystal window, Dia. 25.4×4.0mm, C-cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated Sapphire Dia 1″ 4.0 mm
SAP1080-C Sapphire crystal window, Dia. 25.4×8.0mm, C-cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated Sapphire Dia 1″ 8.0 mm
SAP1120-C Sapphire crystal window, Dia. 25.4×12.0mm, C-cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated Sapphire Dia 1″ 12.0 mm
SAP0005-C Sapphire crystal window, Dia. 12.7×0.5mm, C-cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated Sapphire Dia 0.5″ 0.5 mm
SAP0010-C Sapphire crystal window, Dia. 12.7×1.0mm, C-cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated Sapphire Dia 0.5″ 1.0 mm
SAP0080-C Sapphire crystal window, Dia. 12.7×8.0mm, C-cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated Sapphire Dia 0.5″ 8.0 mm
SAP0254-C Sapphire crystal window, Dia. 12.7×25.4mm, C-cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated Sapphire Dia 0.5″ 25.4 mm
CAF1010-C CaF2 crystal window, Dia. 25.4×1.0mm, -cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated CaF2 Dia 1″ 1.0 mm
CAF1020-C CaF2 crystal window, Dia. 25.4×2.0mm, -cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated CaF2 Dia 1″ 2.0 mm
CAF1030-C CaF2 crystal window, Dia. 25.4×3.0mm, -cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated CaF2 Dia 1″ 3.0 mm
CAF1040-C CaF2 crystal window, Dia. 25.4×4.0mm, -cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated CaF2 Dia 1″ 4.0 mm
CAF1050-C CaF2 crystal window, Dia. 25.4×5.0mm, -cut, both surfaces polished and uncoated CaF2 Dia 1″ 5.0 mm
  • YAG結晶励起の連続発生(~ 800 nm)
  • 白色(3 mm サファイヤ〜 NOPA種光)
  • サファイヤからのフェムト秒白色発生の調査



型番 詳細・特徴 厚み
MLN5002-SHG3000(I) 5% doped MgO:LN crystal, size 5 x 5 x 0.2 mm, cut for Type I SHG of 3000 nm, uncoated, OD 1″ mounted 0.2 mm
MLN5005-SHG3000(I) 5% doped MgO:LN crystal, size 5 x 5 x 0.5 mm, cut for Type I SHG of 3000 nm, uncoated, OD 1″ mounted 0.5 mm
MLN5010-SHG3000(I) 5% doped MgO:LN crystal, size 5 x 5 x 1.0 mm, cut for Type I SHG of 3000 nm, uncoated, OD 1″ mounted 1.0 mm
MLN5005-SHG3300(I) 5% doped MgO:LN crystal, size 5 x 5 x 0.5 mm, cut for Type I SHG of 3300 nm, uncoated, OD 1″ mounted 0.5 mm
MLN5010-SHG3300(I) 5% doped MgO:LN crystal, size 5 x 5 x 1.0 mm, cut for Type I SHG of 3300 nm, uncoated, OD 1″ mounted 1.0 mm
MLN5005-SFG800/4000(I) 5% doped MgO:LN crystal, size 5 x 5 x 0.5 mm, cut for Type I SFG of 800 nm and ~ 4000 nm, uncoated, OD 1″ mounted 0.5 mm
MLN5010-SFG800/3500(I) 5% doped MgO:LN crystal, size 5 x 5 x 1.0 mm, for Type I SFG of 800 nm and 3000-4000 nm, uncoated, OD 1″ mounted 1.0 mm
  • SHG of 3000 nm、3300 nm
  • SFG of 800+4000 nm、800+3500 nm


主に中〜 深赤外線分野の角用途に適しています。

型番 詳細・特徴 厚み
AGS5005-SFG800/5000(I) AgGaS2 crystal with the size 5 x 5 x 0.5 mm, cut for Type I SFG of 800 nm and MIR ~ 5000 nm, uncoated,  mounted in 1″ anodized Al holder 0.5 mm
AGS5010-SFG800/5000(I) AgGaS2 crystal with the size 5 x 5 x 1.0 mm, cut for Type I SFG of 800 nm and MIR ~ 5000 nm, uncoated,  mounted in 1″ anodized Al holder 1.0 mm
AGS5002-DFG1300/2080(I) AgGaS2 crystal with the size 5 x 5 x 0.2 mm, cut for Type I DFG of 1300 nm and 2080 nm, uncoated,  mounted in 1″ anodized Al holder 0.2 mm
AGS5002-DFG1400/1800(I) AgGaS2 crystal with the size 5 x 5 x 0.2 mm, cut for Type I DFG of 1400 nm and 1800 nm, uncoated,  mounted in 1″ anodized Al holder 0.2 mm
AGS5005-DFG1400/1800(II) AgGaS2 crystal with the size 5 x 5 x 0.5 mm, cut for Type II DFG of 1400 nm and 1800 nm, uncoated,  mounted in 1″ anodized Al holder 0.5 mm
AGS5010-DFG1400/1800(II) AgGaS2 crystal with the size 5 x 5 x 1.0 mm, cut for Type II DFG of 1400 nm and 1800 nm, uncoated,  mounted in 1″ anodized Al holder 1.0 m
  • SFG: 800+5000 nm
  • DFG: 1300-2080 nm
  • DFG: 1400-1800 nm

fs-Kits for THG of Yb: Lasers (~ 1030 nm)


型番 詳細・特徴 波長
THG1030-A05-500 fs THG kit for 1030 nm pulses with pulse duration ~ 500 fs. Crystal aperture 5 mm. OD 1″ mounted. 1030 nm
THG1030-A10-500fs THG kit for 1030 nm pulses with pulse duration ~ 500 fs. Crystal aperture 10 mm. OD 1″ mounted. 1030 nm
THG Configurations

Type I THG (with mounted BBO or LBO):


Type II THG (with mounted BBO, preceded by Type I SHG):

Type I THG (with LBO mounted in a water-cooled holder or in an oven)




  • 横浜国立大学
  • 学習院大学
  • 京都大学
  • 金沢大学
  • 九州大学
  • 慶應義塾大学
  • 山形大学
  • 産業技術総合研究所
  • 上智大学
  • 大阪大学
  • 東京工業大学
  • 東京大学
  • 東京農工大学
  • 徳島大学
  • 福井大学
  • 分子科学研究所
  • 兵庫県立大学
  • 北海道大学
  • 理化学研究所
  • 量子科学技術研究開発機構


  • 検査診断装置メーカー
  • 光学器械メーカー
  • 計測・理化学機器 専門商社
  • 光学機器メーカー
  • 電気機器メーカー
  • レーザー微細加工装置メーカー
  • 計測・検査機器メーカー