Pangolin Laser Systems Inc.について
Pangolin Laser Systemsは、レーザーライト・エンターテイメント業界でソリューション(ソフト・ハード面)を提供し、華やかなレーザーショーは定評があります。同社品は、テーマパーク・映画・コンサート等の各種イベントで使用されています。米国/欧州/中国に各事務所を設け、販売活動及び顧客サポートを行っています。
当社はPangolin Laser Systemsの代理店です。
ピックアップ製品 レーザープロジェクター
Cube MAX Lasers (1~7W)

- TrueRGB colour management ensures consistent colours across the whole range and near linear response of brightness modulation output.
- Redesigned main chassis for better and quieter cooling management.
- New back panel with comprehensive number of control features.
- Externally accessible beam alignment mechanism.
- Direct compatibility with Pangolin DiscoScan 2.0 lens and SafetyScan lenses.
- 40kpps scanning speed with default ScannerMax 506 scanning system; up to 90kpps using Saturn 1 (optional).
- All Clubmax systems are certified for TUV Laser Safety.
Cube MAX FB4 Lasers (3~7W)

- new look, stronger and sleeker construction.
- integrated Pangolin FB4 control interface with network switch for professional control and easy daisy-chaining.
- new and improved scan-fail and system safety with advanced power supply monitoring and DMR (in reliability engineering, dual modular redundancy (DMR) is a system with duplicated components, providing redundancy in case one should fail).
- Colour Balance display mode – when this mode is enabled, the laser colours correspond to those you see on your screen, without the need for colour palette calibration in your software.
These colour settings are stored in internal system memory of each Clubmax, meaning you always get the same colours from all Clubmax lasers, no matter what control interface you use. - Improved E-STOP circuit now keeps inbuilt control interface running even if the E-STOP button is activated, ensuring very short restart time of the laser display performance (optional feature).
Atom Lasers (9~20W)

KVANT LD 20 Atom is the most powerful pure diode laser system designed for large outdoor venues for thousands of people. This robust system is built to last and it’s suitable for touring as well as hire.
Logolas Lasers (1.8-6W)

The full colour laser system is enclosed in a waterproof casing and controlled by a specially tuned version of the inbuilt FB4 control interface that holds all necessary animations loaded onto the SD card.
The content can be uploaded to the laser via ethernet cable.
With Logolas you can turn virtually any flat surface into a billboard that after dusk will outshine any other type of advertising and whose content can be changed as often as required.
The ScannerMax SM-506 scanning system utilised in Logolas delivers up to 40kpps scanning which is fast enough for any basic laser graphics, text or animations.
The optional Saturn1 90K scanning turns any Logolas into the ultimate graphical laser display system.
X-Lasers (400mW-10W)

Various power is ready.
GREEN Lasers (900mw-20W)

The KVANT Maxim G900 laser display system is based on Kvant’s own semicondictor laser diode technology which is hard to beat when it comes to price to performance ratio.
Audience Scanning Lasers
Audience scanning lasers have PASS on board. Making them suitable to do audience scanning within the USA.
Pangolin also offers a full line of audience scanning laser projectors with PASS already integrated, at
If you are looking to perform audience scanning in an area where it is regulated, working with Pangolin to obtain an audience scanning projector is generally one of the easiest way to proceed.
*PASS received the 2007 first place ILDA Fenning Award for Technical Achievement.
*In 2010, PASS was granted a US Patent, and in 2011 it was granted an Australian Patent. Other international patents are currently pending.
If you are a laser projector manufacturer and interested in becoming a certified PASS integrator, please contact us directly as well. We have a certification and training course that you can take which will teach you how to correctly integrate this hardware into your existing laser projector designs.
PASS is significantly more advanced than simple “scan-fail” products on the market. PASS is barely bigger than a credit card, and yet it includes a set of very sophisticated and complete projector monitoring systems. PASS is designed with multiple levels of redundancy and with circuitry that is designed to fail-safe. In fact PASS is designed to maintain safety even in the face of several simultaneous failures.
PASS went through ten years of research and development, followed by two years of U.S. government evaluation. The result is that PASS is now recognized both in the U.S. and throughout the world as a solid safety system for Audience Scanning.
Laser Array

The LL-bar (Laser LED bar) features 10 powerful laser beams and 10 bright worm-white LEDs. The LL-bar is controlled by DMX512 or alternativelly with auto mode or sound mode.
Using several LL-bars within an installation creates a heavy impact effect and offers virtually endless number of chases that can controlled with DMX.